Crystal Catalog

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Vogel Crystals

Vogel Double Terminated Healing Crystals

A large percentage of the "Vogels" you see in the marketplace are machine cut and imported from Brazil. They are cut from mostly inferior materials. They are not cut to the same angles that Marcel used (the front tip in particular), and without the same prayerful intention with which we cut ours. While they will work to some degree, being made of quartz, we have been told repeatedly by experienced, professional healers that they do not even come close to ours in terms of cutting quality, power, and energy.

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: 12x12 Small (approx 3 inches) - Price: $650

Vogel Double Terminated Healing Crystals (13 sided)

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: 13x13 Medium (approx 3.5 inches) - Price: $750

Item: 13x13 Large (approx 4 inches) - Price: $1200

Vogel Double Terminated Healing Crystals (24 sided)

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: 24x24 Medium (apporx 4 inches) - Price: $1900

Vogel Crystals

Vogel Double Terminated Healing Crystals

Vogel Crystals

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: 12x12 Medium (approx 3.5 inches) - Price: $700


Lotus Pendant

This pendant is worn to instill a sense of spirituality within the wearer. It is striking in its play of opposing fan-shaped patterns, set off by matte finish lines for accent. Constructed of clear Quartz with dichtroic glass, with Amethyst, Ametrine, or blue cultured quartz. It can also be set with an opal cabochon upon request.

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $20

Item: Sterling Silver - Price: $380

Item: 14k Gold - Price: Call
Item: Gold with Opal - Price: Call

Star of David (this month special)

Made from natural clear quartz, these are the original Stars of David

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: Sterling Silver (.75 inch) - Price: $335

Item: Sterling Silver (1 inch) - Price: $360

Item: Sterling Silver (1.25 inches) - Price: $410

Star of David

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: 14K Gold - Price: Call For Price

Healing Crystals

Magician Crystal

This wonderful, wand-like piece, which takes its name from the Tarot Card of the same name, is able to affect a transformation of energy at the specific site of an illness or injury. It can be used separately or in conjunction with the Vogel Healing Crystal. There is a three-in-one aspect to the long lines in the body of the crystal, as well as the suggestion of flames at both ends of a staff. When looked into from the end there is an "infinity" shape formed by the curved facets meeting the tip. It fits quite nicely in the hand and can be laid easily on the body for energy work. It is available in clear or smokey quartz as well as in laminate form with Ametrine and dichroic glass.

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: Small Clear or Smokey Quartz - Price: $600

Item: Medium Clear or Smokey Quartz - Price: $650

Item: Medium Laminated - Price: $700

Item: Large Clear or Smokey Quartz - Price: $750

Item: Large Laminated - Price: $800

Vision Quest Crystal

This healing tool is one of Drew Tousley's favorite cuts and has been proven to have tremendous healing transference ability. This design has three major faces flanked by six minor faces, creating a bright and fiery crystal which is also distinctively elegant in nature. The tip facets also have three major facets which are offset, and six minor facets. All minor facets are edged by matte finish lines which create a wonderful texture within the piece, adding to its striking beauty. It is available in clear and smokey quartz as well as in the laminateversion with Ametrine or Smokey Quartz. Size: 3 to 6"

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: Medium Clear or Smokey Quartz - Price: $600

Item: Medium Laminated - Price: $700

Item: Large Clear or Smokey Quartz - Price: $750

Item: Large Laminated - Price: $800

Angel I Crystal

This crystal, small enough to fit in your pocket, is used either separately or along with the Vogel Healing Crystal. When placed upon the thymus, it has the property of promoting release of negative or over-emotional energies. It is an excellent crystal to use in cases of trauma or emotional disturbance. It is available in occluded clear or optical grade quartz, as well as in rutilated or smokey quartz.

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: 2 to 3 Inches, Clear or Smokey Quartz - Price: $400

Angel II Crystal

This is the modified version of the Angel I, with many extra facets and matte finish lines which create an incredible texture visually, and softens the feel of the crystal in the hand. It is used in the same manner as the Angel I, and is available in clear or Smokey quarts.

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: 2 to 3 Inches, Clear or Smokey Quartz *Depending upon the availability of crystal, this piece can be cut to 5 or 6 Inches at a price of $600 to $700 - Price: $500

Meditation Crystals

Meditation Crystal Michael

This crystal is utilized in meditations where heart centering is desired. It was named for the Archangel Michael, who represents the Tiphareth or Christ Consciousness Center on the Tree of Life. This is a simple and stately form - a basically four sided shape with offset tip facets- which create a cathedral-like feeling. It speaks of elegance - doubling as a wonderful meditation crystal as well as a powerful energy piece for your altar or desk. These are also quite beautiful done in the laminate version. It is available in Clear and Smokey Quarts and as a laminate with Ametrine/Clear or Smokey/Clear.

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: Clear or Smokey Quartz - Price: $650

Item: Laminated - Price: $750

E.T. Crystal

Don't be mislead by this crystal's name, for it has nothing to do with aliens from other planets. It is, however, a meditation tool to be used for consciousness' connection to higher planes and worlds of existence. This crystal, in particular, has a sort of" other-worldly" quality to it that many people have found useful for their meditation and spiritual practices. It was first cut for Marcel in the late 1980's and is one which we find useful in the Pathworking Process of the Kabalah. Again this piece is a fine addition to your altar or desk. It is available in Clear and Smokey Quartz and as a laminate in Ametrine/Clear and Smokey/Clear.

US & Canada Shipping $15, International Shipping $25

Item: Clear or Smokey Quartz - Price: $700

Item: Laminated - Price: $750